The Heartstrong Foundation focuses on raising funding and awareness around congenital heart defects. 1 in 100 babies are born with a heart defect, and it is the number 1 birth defect. Life with congenital heart defects (CHD) does not exist without intervention, most often open heart surgery within the first few months of life. It takes a lot of strength to be living with or be affected by CHD and our foundation draws so much inspiration from the families that don’t let circumstances dictate what they get out of life
The foundation focuses on the positive steps that are being taken in the CHD community. All of our fundraising goes to CHD research and family support, as well as educating the public about CHD. Our big event is coming up in September; the Feet for Beats 5K and 1-mile walk.
Our hope is to make a difference in the CHD community by contributing to the positive influences for these families.
The Heartstrong Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is happy to accept tax-deductible donations to the extent allowed by law. The EIN is 82-1962070.
You can contibute to Heartstrong through Amazon Smile. A portion of your purchase will go to Heartstrong, and will incur no additional cost to you!
You can mail checks (made out to Heartstrong Foundation) to: Heartstrong Foundation, 10153 Maxine Street, Ellicott City, 21042