

 Serving Our Community, Locally and Worldwide

Chartered in 1986, the Rotary Club of Columbia/Patuxent is a vibrant and diverse group of community members from Columbia and Howard County, united by a shared passion for making a positive difference. As the largest club in the county, we actively volunteer both locally and globally, supporting a wide range of causes, from education and clean water to hunger relief and healthcare.

With a warm, welcoming atmosphere, our meetings are filled with lively conversations, engaging speakers, and a shared sense of purpose. We take pride in our fundraising efforts, which have contributed over $1 million to local and international projects. If you’re looking to connect with your community and make a meaningful impact, we invite you to join us and experience the camaraderie and fulfillment that comes with being a part of our Rotary family.

Contact Info:

Rotary Club of Columbia Patuxent

PO Box 1292

Columbia MD 21044


Volunteer Today!


Stay up to date on all things happening in our club and learn about our great Friday meeting programs.

We meet every Friday morning @ 7:30 at The Periodic Table Restaurant:
8808 Centre Park Dr, Columbia, MD 21045

Be our guest for breakfast and help make a difference in our community and the world.


How can our members help your organization?


  1. Friendship

Rotary meets one of the most basic human needs: that of friendship and fellowship. It’s one of the reasons why Rotary began in 1905.

  1. Business and Personal Development

Rotary is an organization of leaders and successful people. Membership aids   business success, leadership, and growth in personality, social skills, and people skills. Rotary is for people who like…

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Comments: 1

Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick has selected The Magic of Rotary as the theme for her year of service. What those words mean to her – and for Rotarians worldwide – is reflected in this excerpt from her message in the most recent issue of Rotary Magazine:

Rotary is at its best when we foster a sense of inclusion and belonging in our clubs. In fact, I would go so far as to say that belonging is The Magic of Rotary itself. With a focus…

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