Kim Eggborn is currently the Coordinator of Elementary Social Studies for the Howard County Public School System. She began her career as a 5th grade elementary school teacher and has since grown to become involved both nationally and internationally with teachers regarding civics education. However, her primary love remains teaching elementary students and figuring out ways to make learning more meaningful for them. One of her proudest accomplishments is bringing We The People’s Simulated Congressional Hearings to all forty-one elementary schools in her district for all fifth grade students. Howard County has become a national leader in this program.
Simulated Congressional Hearings
The Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) is a culminating activity for fifth grade social studies. The SCH is an authentic, performance-based assessment where students demonstrate their understanding of the U.S. Constitution. Students display their expertise on topics ranging from colonial life and government to the contemporary rights and responsibilities of citizens in our country. The students present prepared oral statements before a panel of simulated congressional committee members (“judges”). Following the formal presentations, students respond to follow-up questions from the panel. For more information about this program, visit: