Guest Speakers Welcome at Rotary Club Meetings

It’s the practice of Rotary clubs to have a guest speaker at their regular meetings. Our aim is to have a program of informational, educational, motivational or entertainment value that will be of general interest to all club members.

We look for speakers who are mindful of the fact that Rotary is a non-political and non-religious-affiliated organization, and who will refrain from controversial topics or volatile issues that could cause anger or division. Speakers representing religious or charitable organizations are welcome to speak about their work, however, so long as they don’t advocate a particular political or religious position.

It is acceptable to have current political office holders speak when the format is a report on issues that face the community or a report to constituents on congressional or legislative affairs. We plan to refrain from hearing from political candidates during an election campaign. 

We welcome company or business speakers to talk about issues that affect their industry and the community and how they cope with them. We’re interested in fresh topics on a company’s approach to sound business practices.  

We welcome speakers from non-profit organizations that impact our community, state, nation or the world. We especially like to hear from those we have financially supported through our annual Grants Day program or who have club members serving as their volunteers or board members.

We also try to invite speakers who might be considered as potential members of the Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent so that we can learn more about them while they experience the warm welcome that we’re known for. Here’s just a few of the organizations whose speakers we’ve heard in recent months:

  • Maryland State Dental Association
  • Howard County Economic Development Authority
  • Neighbor Ride
  • Make A Wish                
  • Wings of Hope Global Cooperative
  • Gilchrist Hospice
  • Just Living Advocacy
  • Better Business Bureau
  • Just Living Advocacy
  • Columbia Amateur Radio Association
  • The Business Monthly
  • Special Olympics
  • Columbia Housing Center
  • Silhouette Stages
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