Dr. Porter has a love and enthusiasm for the ocean that is evident in his career and free time. His talk, The Ocean in Service to Mankind, will focus on the history of knowledge of the ocean, how we measure it, how we use it, what it provides to us, and what the future holds for it.
Dr. Porter’s degrees include a BS from University of MD in physics, an MS from MIT in Physical Oceanography, and a PhD in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics for Catholic University of America. He has worked at NOAA for ten years and at The Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory for 30 years. He has written scores of papers, given hundreds of talks, and co-authored a book on oceanography [He also wrote a children’s book]. He has sailed the seas, navigated under the water, flown over it with instrumented aircraft, and observed the ocean with satellites. He has swum in all the major oceans of earth and loves to sail. He loves sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm of the ocean with all who will listen.
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