At this Friday's meeting, Doug Miller from Fair Elections Howard County will talk about this local effort and how it fits into the larger movement for election reform.
Numerous citizens groups are pushing for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United v. FEC and other Supreme Court rulings of recent years that have resulted in a flood of cash for campaign coffers and super PACs that has all but drowned out the voices of ordinary voters.
As the arduous task of amending the U.S. Constitution continues, though, citizens are working toward other measures to restore balance and integrity to our political system within a largely unregulated environment. Local and state governments across the nation have begun to implement systems to amplify the effects of small donations from citizens to candidate campaigns.
This November, Howard County voters will decide by referendum whether to amend the Howard County Charter to allow for the creation and operation of the Citizens Election Fund, which would match small donations to candidates who forego the big ones.