12670011455?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent celebrated a year of accomplishment while honoring outgoing and incoming board members and officers at the Annual Dinner on June 22. The club also announced Rotarians of the Year for 2023-2024.

Ceremonies began with an invocation by Lon Chesnutt, noting that Rotary International founder Paul Harris decided a long time ago to meet with friends for weekly fellowship and service.Since that time, Rotary’s inclusiveness has grown to extend across the globe, and we’re grateful to be part of that. God fills us with love for life, opportunities and occasions for continuing service in ways that support our community.12670011294?profile=RESIZE_400x

Outgoing President Kashonna Marrow introduced new club members and also thanked her husband, Kevin, for his support during her leadership year. Kashonna presented Rotarian of the Year plaques to Pete Pillow and to Karen Mosel. Pete was cited for writing the club’s newsletter report on weekly meetings. Karen, the club’s incoming president, was honored for chairing the annual Tour de Vines fundraiser, along with community service in Rebuilding Together Howard County’s program for home improvements for needy residents.

Reflecting on her presidential term, Kashonna said she was proud to be the first African-American to enjoy the privilege and honor of leading our club.When I became president, it was truly a team effort,” she said. Everyone said we'll be with you. Don't worry, you've got this. It has sharpened and enhanced my leadership ability and professional agility. What a journey to be with those who support you every step of the way.”

Kashonna lauded new 2024-2025 President Karen as “not only a business leader, but also a thoughtful and competent woman who understands service and, most of all, understands people. Columbia-Patuxent Rotary is a special club that deserves special leadership that will not stagnate or leave the club as is but will progress to the next level. Karen has shown her ability to do that.”12670012457?profile=RESIZE_584x

After receiving her President’s pin from Kashonna, Karen said she is “honored and really humbled to be the next president. I look at our club, and I’m always amazed about the knowledge and commitment that we have to our community and to the world, and to put service above self. I'm supposed to talk to you about our goals and what I see for the next year. Honestly, what I see islet’s keep doing what we’ve been doing – because it’s been pretty amazing.”

Karen closed her remarks with a quote from Muhammad Ali: Service to others is the rent that you pay for your room here on Earth. “I choose this rent in my service to you, this club and to our community,” Karen said. “Let us continue to do good. Thank you.” 12670012275?profile=RESIZE_400xKen Solow, a club past president and past governor of Rotary District 7620, administered the oath of office to Karen and to 2024-2025 board members, enjoining them to do their best to honor the bylaws of the Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent and of Rotary International. He added: “I charge you to help us to see our Rotary club not as it is, but as it could be, and to help us to find our vision of what we can do for our community.12670012854?profile=RESIZE_400x

In other presentations, Susanne Caviness gave Karen Mosel a stuffed Rotochick doll in honor of the club’s female members, while Kashonna gave Rotary-themed windshield sun shades to her 2023-2024 leadership team.  Dessert was a special cake decorated with Rotary International’s logo.

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